
Welcome to Englishex-press

Do you need English at work, at school or at the university? Do you need English when you go on holiday or just for the fun of it? If that is the case, I will be happy to help you. Perhaps you noticed the last time you spent a holiday abroad that the conversations you conducted in English went pretty well as long as you kept to everyday topics but that when you wanted to engage in more depth the conversation no longer flowed. No satisfactory communication could take place. What is missing is regular speaking practice.

Language-skills coaching for your job

Other people realize that the English they learned at school a long time ago has become “rusty” and no longer equips them for their new English challenges at work. More and more people are turning to me for help because of the challenges they face when they have to use English as a foreign language for their job. It is also a test of one’s courage to successfully complete a six-month trial period at work using English as the main language of communication. Nowadays university graduates are increasingly being asked to conduct their job interviews entirely or partly in English. They are also expected to write their job applications in English. I can help you to prepare for such situations and can support you over a longer period of time if necessary.